About GoRuCo
The Gotham Ruby Conference (GoRuCo) is a one-day event that will take place in New York City on June 4, 2011. It is a technical conference aimed at highly motivated programmers interested in all things Ruby.
You'll spend the day among Rubyists, Rails developers, and language enthusiasts in New York City, home of Silicon Alley. The agenda will feature 7 speakers and an open session of lightning talks by attendees.
The event is held at 1 Pace Plaza on the Pace university Campus in Lower Manhattan.
Pace Plaza is on Spruce Street between William and Gold Streets. GoRuCo organizers and Pace students will be just inside the main doors to help register attendees.

The 4, 5, 6 Brooklyn Bridge / City hall subway stop provides the shortest, easiest walk to it. The 2, 3, A, C, and J also provide service to nearby subway stops in the area.